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User Agreement

The present Agreement specifies the conditions of how the user can dispose of the materials and services of the site , hereinafter referred as “Site”.

1.General terms

1.1. The use of materials and services of the Site is regulated by the norms of the current legal law of Russian federation.

1.2. The present Agreement is a public offer. Gaining an access for the materials of the Site, the User is considered to join the present Agreement.

1.3. The Administration of the Site is enabled any time to amend unilaterally the conditions of the present Agreement. Such amendments come into effect after three days’ time of a new Agreement version placing at the Site. In case of the User’s contriety with the amendments added, he is liable to refuse from the access to the Site and stop using the materials and services of the Site.

2. User’s obligations

2.1. User agrees not to undertake actions which can be regarded as infringing Russian legislation or international standards, inclusive of those belonging to the area of intellectual ownership, copyright and related rights, as well as any other actions which can result in or result in violation of normal work of Site and its services.

2.2. Use of materials of Site without permission of the rightholders is not allowed (Article 1270 of the Civil law of RF). To legally use the materials of Site it is necessary to conclude license agreements (acquisition of license) form rightholders.

2.3. When quoting materials of Site, inclusive of copyright protected works, Site reference is obligato-ry. (Subclause 1 Clause 1 Article 1274 of the Civil law of RF).

2.4. Comments and other notes of User at Site shall not contradict Russian Federation legal law re-quirements and common norms of morality and ethics.

2.5. User has been warned that Site administration is not responsible for his using outer resources whose links Site can contain.

2.6. User agrees that Site administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect liability before User subject to any possible or real losses and damages related to any contents of Site, copyright reg-istration and information of such registration, goods and services accessible through or received by outer sites or resources or by any other contacts of User he has entered using Site information or outer resources links.

2.7. User accepts a position that all the materials and services of Site or any part of them can be ac-companied by advertising. User agrees that Site administration is not liable and has no responsibility related to this advertising.

3. Other terms

3.1. All disputes which can arise in respect of the present Agreement or connected with it, are set-tled by negotiations in accordance with the legal law of Russian Federation.

3. 2. Nothing in the Agreement can be understood as establishing relations between User and Ad-ministration as those of agents, friends, partners, personal employment or any other relations, not cov-ered by the Agreement directly.

3.3. In case the court nullifies some position of Agreement or finds it not liable for enforcement does not entail nullity of other positions of Agreement.

3.4. Dereliction of Site administration in case some of Users has infringed some positions of Agree-ment does not deny it the right to later undertake appropriate actions to protect its interests and copy-right for legally protected materials of Site.

User admits his familiarising with all the clauses of the present Agreement and unconditional acceptance of them.