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Exposition and Exhibition Department


Tel .: (812) 328-41-41 (add. 110);

Director’s Reception fax: (812) 323-08-11

Head of department


Department staff

Ksenia VOEVODINA, Senior Specialist in Exposition and Exhibition Work

Olga KUKANOVA, Graphic Designer


A special department which task has become to develop and conduct mainly foreign exhibition projects of the MAE RAS was created in May 2000 as a department of external relations and exhibitions. In 2003, it was renamed into the Exposition and Exhibition Department.

A large amount of work on the preparation of exhibition projects from the selection of items to the organization of their conservation, preparation of printed materials and publications for the exhibition, legal and documentary registration required the coordination of various services of the Museum, as well as extensive cooperation with many partners of the Museum in Russia and abroad. The range of tasks of the department also included work with the public, management of the intellectual property of the Museum. Since 2002 employees of the department have been actively working to implement temporary exhibitions and permanent expositions of the MAE RAS.


Department participated in the creation of permanent expositions of the MAE and their information support:

  • "Indochina". A new permanent exhibition of the museum dedicated to the ethnography of the peoples of Thailand, Burma, Laos, Vietnam. Opened on May 31, 2002.
  • “The Great Gottorp Globe”. A new permanent exposition was prepared after the complete restoration of the famous globe. Created in 1650-1664 in the Gottorp Castle (Holstein, Northern Germany), it is not only one of the world's largest globes (diameter - 3.1 m, weight - 3.5 tons), but also one of the world's first planetariums.

    In 2002, with the active participation of the Goethe Institute in St. Petersburg a grant was received from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany for the restoration of the Globe and the creation of a fundamentally new exposition dedicated to its history. In a short time, it became possible to restore the painting and metal parts of the Globe, the wooden floors and the table top, and to recreate the oak bench inside the Globe. Financial support for the project was also provided by the Ministry of Culture of the state of Saxony-Anhalt (FRG), Goethe Institute in St. Petersburg, Inspectorate for the Protection of Monuments of St. Petersburg, computer company "Digital Design". At the exposition a multimedia program in Russian, German and English is demonstrated. The exposition was opened on July 19, 2003.
  • “The first natural scientific collections of the Kunstkamera”. A permanent exposition dedicated to the collections of the Naturalias Cabinet of the Kunstkamera of Peter the Great (collections purchased in Holland from Professor of Anatomy Frederik Ruysch and Amsterdam-based pharmacist Albertus Seba, as well as anatomical collection assembled in Russia by the order of Peter the Great). The exposition partly reproduces the traditions of exhibiting collections in the Kunstkamera of the XVIII century (Baroque hall, cabinets of the XVIII century, anatomical preparations are exhibited together with exotic shells, corals, stuffed rare and exotic animals). The exposition was created in cooperation with the Amsterdam Museum and the Utrecht University Museum, with financial support from a number of Dutch public and charitable organizations, first of all - the Wilhelmina E. Jansen Foundation. The creation of the exposition was preceded by the Russian-Dutch seminar on the restoration of exhibits from the F. Ruysch collection (A. Radziun, W. Mulder), both Russian and Dutch curators (A. Radziun, J. Driessen), Russian and Dutch designers ( E. Speshilov, S. Blokhin, J. Kees-Jovak) took part in the creation of the exposition. The exposition was opened on October 19, 2003.
  • “M. V. Lomonosov and the Academy of Sciences of the XVIII century"; "The First Astronomical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences". New permanent expositions of the Museum of M. V. Lomonosov were created after the completion of the overhaul and reconstruction of the halls of the second, third and fourth floors of the Kunstkamera tower. The expositions were opened on May 21, 2004.
  • "Africa". A new permanent exposition dedicated to the peoples of the African continent is significantly different from the previous ones. Almost one and a half thousand items are exhibited - this is about a ninth of African collections. As part of the program of the Investment Fund on the support of culture to create an information and exposition complex in the museum, a screen and a monitor with additional information were installed in the hall. On the opening of the exposition, a colorful guidebook in Russian and English has been published. The exposition was opened on January 15, 2007.

The department members have participated in the preparation and implementation of international and Russian exhibition projects.



  • Kupina Yu. A. Traditions in showcases: Siberian collections of the MAE at the foreign exhibitions // 285 years of the Kunstkamera of St. Petersburg. Materials of the final scientific conference of the MAE RAS, dedicated to the 285th anniversary of the Kunstkamera. (Collection of MAE. V. XLVIII). SPb., 2001. P. 214–226.
  • Kupina Yu. A. Losses or acquisitions? (History of collection exchanges between MAE RAS and American museums) // Courier of the Petrovskaya Kunstkamera. SPb., 2004. Issue. 10-11. P. 52–85.
  • Kupina Yu. A. Interpretation and perception of archaeological material at exhibitions // Museum and Archaeological Heritage of Russia. SPb: MAE RAN, 2006. pp. 3–16.
  • Yanes M. A. Photo-illustrative collections of the Department of South and South-West Asia of the MAE RAS // Radlov Readings 2006: Abstracts. SPb., 2006. P. 91–96.
  • Yanes M. A. Felt collections of the Kunstkamera / Felt Fashion. No. 1. 2013. - SPb .: 2013. P. 50-53.
  • Vozdigan K. M. Magic-religious functions of bhagat in the Indian tribe Varli // Seventh International Oriental Conference (Torchinov Readings). Metamorphoses. Part two. SPb, 2013. P. 162-171.
  • Vozdigan K. M. Musical instruments in the ritual practice of Indian tribes (on the example of the Rathwa tribe in the state of Gujarat) // Thing and ritual: rational and irrational in the archaic: Collection of scientific works of the seminar "Theory and methodology of the archaic" / Exec. ed. M.F. Albedil, D.G. Savinov. SPb., 2018. P. 192-203.


  • In 2003, the department initiated and with the support of CEC International Partners held an international seminar “Managing the Intellectual Property of Museums: Museum Trade and Licensing”. More than 50 representatives of domestic and foreign museums took part in it. Head - Yu. A. Kupina.
  • From 11 to 14 September 2008 in St. Petersburg on the basis of the MAE RAS a regular annual symposium of directors of European ethnographic museums (EEMDG - European Ethnographical Museums Directors Group) was held. It was attended by directors and heads of museums from Amsterdam, Basel, Berlin, Warsaw, Vienna, Hamburg, Gothenburg, Leiden, Leipzig, London, Ljubljana, Madrid, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Riga, Rome, St. Petersburg, Stockholm , Tervuren, Helsinki, Stuttgart.
  • Ethnographic museums in the modern world. IV Scientific Seminar of the RIME project. Museum of America, Madrid, April 12 - 14, 2011. Presentation on “Catalogs of Ethnographic Collections on the Culture of North American Aborigines of the MAE (Kunstkamera) RAS. - Yu. A. Kupina.
  • Ist International Scientific Conference "Contemporary Art of the East". October 6-9, 2015 Moscow. State Institute of Art Studies, Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, State Museum of the East, Higher School of Economics. Report "The problem of decontextualization: the pictorial traditions of Indian tribes and contemporary art." - K. M. Vozdigan.
  • XIX All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists “The Way of the East. Culture. Religion. Politics". Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University. April 28-29, 2016 Report "Cinematic Image of Indian Tribes in the Contemporary National Mainstream". - K. M. Vozdigan.
  • International scientific practical conference "A Museum Exhibition in Cultural Time and Space." SPbSU, GE. April 14-16, 2016 Speech with a report "Integration of museum resources in the exhibition space: dilemmas and prospects of the Kunstkamera of the third millennium" - Yu. A. Kupina
  • International scientific conference "The Turning Circle: Art and Indigeneity in Alaska". Boulogne-sur-mer, Paris, 24.06-28.06, 2016. Presentation on “Creating the Mutual Heritage: North America Collections and St. Petersburg Kunstkamera ”(co-authored with Yu.K. Chistov). - Yu. A. Kupina.
  • Intermuseum. XVIII International Festival of Museums. Moscow. May 13-16, 2016 Report “The Kunstkamera of the III Millennium: a new communication strategy, rebranding of the museum, an educational online resource, the project “Kunstkamera Y”- Yu. A. Kupina
  • XVI Interdisciplinary seminar on the theory and methodology of the archaic "Male and female subcultures in the archaic: mythologemes, designation systems, functions." December 10, 2018, MAE RAS. Report "The role of women in the ritual and magic of Indian adivasis (on the example of the Rathwa and Varli tribes)" - K. M. Vozdigan
  • Russian-American Forum "Dialogue Fort Ross". San Francisco, October 6, 2019 Participation with the report "Unique Collection Representing Indigenous Peoples of California at Kunstkamera Museum, St Petersburg: Some General Highlights" - K.M. Vozdigan