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Europe Research Center

Contact Information

Phone: +7 (812) 328-41-41, ext. 108


Head of Department

Alexander NOVIKCandidate of Sciences (cultural and social anthropology, ethnology of Europe, traditional culture of the Balkan Peninsula peoples, traditional culture of Eurasia, contact zones of Eurasia, ethnolinguistics, ethopsychology, ethnoetiquette, mythology, folk medicine and healership, history of costumes, traditional crafts, arts and crafts).

Department Staff

Albert BAYBURIN, Doctor of Sciences in history, Chief editor of Anthropological Forum Juornal

Olga BOYTSOVA, Candidate of Sciences, Executive Secretary of Anthropological Forum Juornal

Yuliya IVANOVA-BUCHATSKAYA, Candidate of Sciences, senior researcher (festive practices and objects/attributes in museum collections, urban studies, occupational cultures).

Denis DOMRACHEV, Candidate of Sciences, Junior Reseacher

Alexander FINCHENKO, Candidate of Sciences, chief specialist (ethnography and folklore of the Russian North, muzzle-loading firearms, visual anthropology, ethnic museology)

Natalia GOLANT, Candidate of Sciences, researcher (ethnography of the Carpathian-Balkan region, traditional culture of the Eastern Latin peoples, calendar rites, mythology beliefs, ethnolinguistics).

Ilya GUBANOVCandidate of Sciences, senior researcher (history of Ancient Scandinavian culture and society, Icelandic family sagas, Beowulf, Old English epic, culture of informal communities (Hippies etc.) from the 1960s up to now).

Lyudmila LAVRENTIEVA, Candidate of Sciences, senior researcher (history of the MAE, collectors, Russian and Slavic culture, thing and culture, ethnic museology)

Julietta MESKHIDZECandidate of Sciences, researcher (ethnic culture of Southeast Europe, history and culture of the Basques, ethnopolitical history of the Caucasus, European-Caucasian relations).

Natalia MAZALOVA, Candidate of Sciences, senior researcher (Russian ethnography, folk medicine, somatic ethnography, magic practices of Russian “Wise Ones,” ethnography of St. Petersburg)

Anton SALMIN, Doctor of Sciences, lead researcher (ethnography, folklore, and folk religion of the Chuvashes and Turkic-speaking peoples of the Volga region)

Tatiana SCHEPANSKAYA, Candidate of Sciences, lead researcher (ethnography of the Russians, field research methods, gender studies: ethnography of maternity, stereotypes of masculinity, men’s traditions and magic; political anthropology: traditional models and symbols of power; anthropology of violence, ethnography of professional communities, youth subculture)

Olga SHULGINA, Junior Reseacher

Alexander TERYUKOV, Candidate of Sciences, senior researcher (ethnography of the Komi peoples and other Finno-Ugric peoples, history of Russian and Finno-Ugric ethnography, history of the MAE, ethnic museology)

Tatiana YAKOVLEVA, Research Assistant (history of the Department, history of the Department’s collections)

History of the Department

The Department of Europe of the MAE RAS was established in the early 1990s on the basis of the General Issues Sector. The Department owes its existence to the initiative of Professor A. S. Mylnikov, Honored Scientist of the RF, who was Director of the MAE RAS at that time, and B. N. Putilov, Doctor of Sciences, an outstanding folklore researcher. Under the leadership of A. S. Mylnikov whose research interests covered a widest range of studies of European peoples, the Department functioned until his death early in 2003. 

Essential Topics of Research

The main lines of the Department’s activity are the studies of the traditional culture of peoples of Scandinavia and Central Europe, the Balkans and the Slav area, Southern and Southeast Europe, Black SeaLand, and AzovLand.

In 2017–2019, the researchers of the Department of Europe contribute are working on the collective topic “Ethnocultural processes in today’s Europe and the Museum: Neighborhoods, Diasporas, and Migrations” (supervisor: A. A. Novik, Candidate of Sciences) as part of the research effort “History of the MAE RAS and its collections in the context of development of human science” (supervisor: Yu. K. Chistov, Doctor of Sciences), and contribute to the projects “Illustrative collections of the Kunstkamera” (supervisor: V. A. Prischepova, Candidate of Sciences) and “Inter-civilization interaction, ethnic history and diversity of the cultural heritage of the world’s Islamic nations in historical dynamics” (supervisor: Ye. A. Rezvan, Doctor of Sciences).

The Department’s researchers have contributed to the program of the language and literature section, History and Philology Division of the RAS “Language and literature in the context of cultural dynamics” (project “Carpathian and Balkan territorial dialects: Reconstruction of traditional culture using language data,” 2012–2014, N. G. Golant), grants of the Russian Human Science Foundation (project “Albanians in Ukraine: The Revived Past. Archiving and attribution of the photo illustration collections of the IEA RAS,” 2012, A. A. Novik, D. S. Yermolin; project “Contact zones of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania: Language and ethnocultural situation under transformation,” 2012–2014, A. A. Novik, D. S. Yermolin; project “Bulgarians of Moldova, Ukraine, and Russia. Experience of life in diaspora,” 2015–2017, N. G. Golant), scholarship fund of the Parliament of Berlin / Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin (2012–2013, Yu. V. Buchatskaya) etc.

Essential Publications

The Department’s researchers have published the following monographs and multi-author collections of articles:

Popular science publications:

  • Kon’kova O. I., Romanova N. Ye. Izhorskaya traditsionnaya kukla [Traditional Ingrian dolls]. 2nd edition, extended and amended. St. Petersburg, 2011, 80 pp., col. ill.
  • Kon’kova O. I. (jointly with L. S. Lavrentieva and L. A. Saksa) Korennye narody Leningradskoi oblasti (informatsionno-spravochnoye izdaniye dlya detei) [Indigenous peoples of Leningrad Oblast (information and reference book for children)]. St. Petersburg, 2014, MAE RAN, 84 pp.
  • Kon’kova O. I. Inkeroin keel. Uchebnoye posobiye po izhorskomu yazyku [Ingrian language learning guide]. St. Petersburg, 2014, MAE RAN, 84 pp.
  • Kon’kova O. I. Vad’d’a ceeli. Uchebnoye posobiye po vodskomu yazyku [Votic language learning guide]. St. Petersburg, 2014, MAE RAN, 84 pp.
  • Kon’kova O. I. Izhora. Ocherki istorii I kultury [Izhora. History and culture: Essays]. 3rd edition, extended and amended. St. Petersburg, 2013, 252 pp.
  • Kon’kova O. I. Izhorskaya traditsionnaya kukla (sovmestno s N. Ye. Romanovoi) [Traditional Ingrian dolls (jointly with N. Ye. Romanova)]. 3rd edition, extended and amended. St. Petersburg, 2013, 64 pp., col. ill.
  • Kon’kova O. I. Traditsionnye prazdniki narodov Ingermanlandii [Traditional feasts of the peoples of Ingria]. St. Petersburg, 2011, 340 pp.
  • Kon’kova O. I. Uchebnoye posobiye po vodskomu i izhorskomu yazyku [Votic and Ingrian language learning guide]. St. Petersburg, 2015. A. S. Pushkin Leningrad Oblast University Press, 108 pp.
  • Kon’kova O. I., Romanova N. Ye. Vodskaya traditsionnaya kukla [Traditional Votic dolls]. 2nd edition, extended and amended. St. Petersburg, 2011, 80 pp, col. ill.


  • Schrader, Tatiana.  Legislative Aspects of the Norwegian Colonization of Murman (1860-1915) //  In the North my Nest is made. Studies in the History of the Murman  Colonization 1860-1940. St. Petersburg - Tromsö, 2006. P. 61-85. 
  • Novik Alexander, Sobolev Andrey. The Traditional Wedding Costume of the Mrkovići in Montenegro: between Real Heritage and Folk Construction (Materials of the Russian Expeditions in 2012-2014) // Folklore. Electronic Journal of Folklore. Vol. 66 [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:    (  22 p. (Дата обращения: 22.01.2017).