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Arctic Research Center

Head of Department

Andrey GOLOVNEV, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of sciences in history, Professor. Research interests include anthropology of movement, history and theory of colonization, nomadology, ethno-phenomenology, mythology, film anthropology.

Department Staff

Veronika BELYAEVA-SACHUK, Senior researcher, Doctor of sciences in ethnology. Her research interests include history of ethnography, Polish-Russian scientific relations, ethnography of peoples of Siberia and Far East, Siberian Shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism, reindeer breeding of South Siberia.

Elena DANILOVA, Researcher. Research interests include ethnologic expertise, Arctic ethnography.

Vladimir DAVYDOV, Head of the project, Candidate of sciences in sociology, PhD. Research interests include anthropology of mobility and space, anthropology of food, anthropology of landscape, history of Siberian studies.

Pavel FILIN, Senior researcher, Candidate of sciences in history. Research interests include maritime culture of the Pomors, folk shipbuilding, history and anthropology of polar studies.

Ivan GOLOVNEV, Senior researcher, Doctor of sciences in history. His research interests include Soviet ethnographic cinema, ethnographic cinema, history of Soviet ethnography, visual anthropology, regional identity, ethnography of Siberian and Far East peoples.

Margarita KHARTANOVICH, Leading researcher. Her research interests include history of academic institutions (state and public), history of Russian science and scientists.

Tatiana KISSER, Senior researcher, Candidate of sciences in history. Research interests include ethnography of Arctic peoples, cyberethnography, ethnological study, new ethnography of the North, small indigenous peoples.

Konstantin KLOKOV, Leading Researcher, Doctor of sciences in geography

Elizaveta KOMOVA, Junior Reseacher. Research interests include ethnological expertise, cultural heritage of the Arctic and Siberia peoples, museum management.

Vladimir PITULKO, Leading researcher, Doctor of sciences in history

Elena PEREVALOVA, Leading researcher, Doctor of sciences in history. Research interests include ethnic history, ethnopolitics, colonization, ethnicity, identity, traditions of the peoples of the Urals, Western Siberia, the Russian North, regional branding, historical and cultural heritage.

Andrian VLAHOV, Junior Researcher


The Arctic Research Center (ARC) aims to conduct fundamental and applied research projects on the Arctic region (both in Russia and abroad) in an interdisciplinary format combining ethnography, anthropology, archaeology, museology, history, and other disciplines. In 2020, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree “On the Development Strategy of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation to Ensure National Security Until 2035” (№ 645 from 26/10/2020), attesting to the increased attention of the Russian government to the Arctic region. The 2021-23 Russian Chairmanship in the Arctic Council and the Comprehensive program of the Russian Chairmanship further extend the significance of the research in the Arctic. The Center collaborates with the corporate project, “St. Petersburg – the Center of Ethno-Cultural Development of the Peoples of the North,” aiming at developing Russia’s northern research potential and the increased scientific contribution of St. Petersburg to the development of the Arctic.

The Center’s main areas of research include:

  1. Fundamental research in ethnography, anthropology, archaeology, history, philology, linguistics, and other disciplines in the Arctic region in Russia and abroad. In particular, the department conducts research (including interdisciplinary) in the following topical fields: ethnography and anthropology of Arctic indigenous peoples; anthropology of movement and mobility; Arctic ecology and geography; problems of climate change and its impact on Arctic indigenous peoples; history of Arctic ethnography and anthropology; history of northern studies; religious studies; ethnolinguistics;
  2. Ethnological expertise of the Arctic region and the subarctic; establishing collaborative projects involving indigenous minorities and the representatives of extractive companies on traditional and innovative technologies of mobility in the development of the Arctic;
  3. Educational projects in cooperation with universities: organizing training practices, conferences, creating textbooks, developing academic courses and educational programs;
  4. Communication with federal and local authorities: conducting research, expert, analytical, and consulting activities for governmental and non-governmental organizations, companies, and individuals; various consultations and expert evaluations.


  • The Russian Science Foundation research grant, “Mobility in the Arctic: Ethnic Traditions and Technological Innovations,” 2014-2018. Project supervisor: A.V. Golovnev;
  • The Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant, “Social Foundations of the Informal Economy: Nature Management in the North, Siberia, and the Far East,” 2017-2018. Project supervisor: V.N. Davydov;
  • The Russian Science Foundation research grant, “Changes in the Food System of Tundra Residents and Coastal Villages in Chukotka in the 20th-21st Centuries: Dynamics, Causes, and Socio-Cultural Consequences,” 2017-2019. Project supervisor: E.A. Davydova;
  • The Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant, “Ethnocultural Communities of the North in Ethnographic Cinema,” 2018-2020. Project supervisor: I.A. Golovnev;
  • The Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant, “Modern angles of ethnicity in the North of Eurasia: textual and visual compositions,” 2017-2020. Project supervisor: A.V. Golovnev;
  • Participation in the research project by the Khamovniki Social Research Support Foundation, “On the Edge of the State: The Economics of Private Informal Nature Use in the North and the Far East,” 2017-2019;
  • Regular International Conferences “Siberian Readings” (supervised by V.N. Davydov).


Scientific Projects 

  • Program "Ethno-cultural Diversity of Russian Society and Strengthening All-Russian Identity", Project "Small Indigenous Peoples of Russia: Ethno-cultural Projections" (under the Order of the President of the Russian Federation from January 16, 2020, Order 71, p. 6), 2020-2022. Supervisor: A. V. Golovnev;
  • The Russian Science Foundation grant, "Energy in the Arctic and Siberia: Resource Use in the Context of Socio-Economic and Environmental Changes," 2018-2022. Project supervisor: V. N. Davydov;
  • The Russian Science Foundation grant, "Nutrition in the Russian Arctic: Resources, Technologies and Innovations," 2019-2022. Project supervisor: Е. A. Davydova.
  • The Russian Science Foundation grant, "Film Atlas of the USSR: the Experience of Positioning the Multinational State," 2021-2023. Project supervisor: I.A. Golovnev.

Outreach projects

  • "Interactive Atlas of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia, and the Far East: Languages and Cultures" (under the Order of the President of the Russian Federation from October 25, 2019, Pr-2196, p. 10 and from January 16, 2020, Order 71, p. 8);
  • Preparing textbooks The History of Yamal (Volumes 1-7) on behalf of the YNAO administration (A.V. Golovnev, E.V. Perevalova);
  • Preparing and publishing the multi-volume edition, History of Yugra (A. V. Golovnev, E. V. Perevalova).

Ethnological expertise 

  • Ethnological assessment of factors ensuring sustainable development of indigenous minorities of Taimyr region (the Western part of Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district)


  • "Nomads of the Arctic: the Art of Movement," March 14 - June 10, 2019. St. Petersburg, MAE RAS
  • "Technologies of the Arctic: Chukotka, Yakutia, Yamal," October 28-30, 2019. St. Petersburg, The Russian Geographical Society.
  • "Nomads of the Arctic: the Art of Movement," September 17 - October 1, 2020. St. Petersburg (Multimedia Exhibition Complex "Russia - My History). Under the framework of the congress, "Russia in the Arctic Council. The Potential of St. Petersburg".
  • "Taimyr nomads. Culture. Art. Mastery" from the collection of the Taymyr House of Folk Art, October 09 - December 07, 2020. St. Petersburg, MAE RAS


The staff of the Department carries out scientific and organizational preparation of scientific journals:

  1. Golovnev A.V. Talking Cultures: Traditions of the Samoyeds and Ugrians. Yekaterinburg, 1995. 607 p. – in Russian
  2. Golovnev A.V., Osherenko G. Siberian Survival: The Nenets and Their Story. Ithaca, New York, 1999. 224 p. – in English
  3. Golovnev A.V. The Nomads of Tundra: The Nenets and Their Folklore. Yekaterinburg: the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004, 344 p. – in Russian
  4. Perevalova E. V. The Northern Khanty: Ethnic History. Yekaterinburg, 2004. – in Russian
  5. Golovnev A.V. Anthropology of Movement. Yekaterinburg: the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; "Volot", 2009, 497 p. – in Russian
  6. Golovnev A. V., Lyozova S. V., Abramov I. V., Belorussova S. Yu., Babenkova N. A. Ethno-expertise on Yamal: Nenets Nomads and Gas Fields. Yekaterinburg: the AMB Publishing House, 2014, 232 p. – in Russian
  7. Golovnev A. V., E. V. Perevalova, I. V. Abramov, D. A. Kukanov, A. S. Rogova, S. G. Usenyuk. Nomads of the Arctic: Textual and Visual Miniatures. Yekaterinburg: Alfa Print, 2015. - 132 p., 104 ill. – in Russian
  8. Golovnev A.V. Phenomenon of Colonization. Yekaterinburg: the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2015, 592 p. – in Russian
  9. Golovnev A. V., Garin N. P., Kukanov D. A. Yamal Reindeer Herders: Materials for the Atlas of Nomadic Technologies. Yekaterinburg: the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,, 2016. - 152 p., – in Russian
  10. Golovnev A. V., Kukanov D. A., Perevalova E. V. The Arctic: An Atlas of Nomadic Technologies. St. Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2018. 352 p. – in Russian
  11. Golovnev A. V., Belorussova S. Yu., Kisser T. S. “Web-ethnography and Cyberethnicity,” The Ural Historical Herald. 2018. № 1 (58). P.106-114, – in Russian
  12. Perevalova E.V., Kukanov D.A. “Mobile Dwelling of Chukchi Reindeer Herders: Traditions and Innovations,” Ural Historical Bulletin. 2018. № 3 (60). P.40-49, – in Russian.
  13. Golovnev I.A. Phenomenon of the Soviet Ethnographic Cinema: A.A. Litvinov’s Creative Work. Moscow, 2018, – in Russian
  14. Golovnev A.V. “Nomads of the Arctic: the Art of Movement,” Ethnography. 2018. № 2. P 6-45, – in Russian
  15. Davydova E.A. “Refrigerator, Salt and Sugar: Mining and Food Processing Technologies in Chukotka,” Siberian Historical Studies. 2019. № 2. P. 143-161, – in Russian
  16. Perevalova E. V. The Ob Ugrians and the Nenets of Western Siberia: Ethnicity and Power. St. Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2019. 350 p. + 202 p. incl., – in Russian
  17. Sokolov A.M., Belyaeva-Sachuk V.A. The world of the Ainu through the eyes of Bronisław Piłsudski. Collections of the Kunstkamera. Album. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera). St. Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2019, – in Russian
  18. Davydov V. N., ed. Energy of the Arctic and Siberia: the use of resources in the context of socio-economic changes. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (the Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Мoscow: Oriental Literature Publisher, 2020. 311 p. – in Russian
  19. Belyaeva-Sachuk V. A., S. V. Bereznitsky, V. V. Bobrova, N. S. Goncharov, V. N. Davydov, V. I. Diachenko, N. P. Kopaneva, N. N. Sleptsova, O. B. Stepanova, E. G. Fedorova. Hunters-deer breeders of Khatanga and Anabar. The collection of P. V. Sleptsov at MAE RAS. St.Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2020. 256 p.– in Russian
  20. Golovnev A. V., Belorussova S. Yu., Kisser T. S. Essays on the anthropology of movement. St.Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2020. 336 p. – in Russian
  21. Golovnev A. V. “Arctic nomadic design (the Nenets case),” Nomadic Peoples. 2020, no. 24. Pp. 111-142. – in English
  22. Golovnev A.V. “The Arctic: a synopsis of 40-year research,” Kunstkamera. 2020. № 3 (9). P. 161-173. – in Russian
  23. Golovnev A.V., Danilova E.N. “The Soviet version of ethno-expertise: the report notes of ethnographers-north historians of 1950-1990s,” Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography. 2021. № 1 (52). P. 132-143. – in Russian
  24. Golovnev A. V. “New ethnography of the North,“ Ethnography. 2021. № 1 (11). P. 6-24.—in Russian
  25. Davydov V. N., Davydova E. A. “Infrastructure development projects in Chukotka: the use of resources by residents of national villages,” Ethnography. 2021. № 1 (11). P. 25-49. .—in Russian
  26. Davydov V.N., Belyaeva-Sachuk V.A., Davydova E.A. “Autonomy Regimes in Eastern Siberia: Medical Practices in Tundra, Taiga and Steppe Conditions,” Ural Historical Bulletin. 2021. № 1 (70). P. 60-69. – in Russian
  27. Golovnev A.V., Kisser T.S. “Projections of Ethnicity of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (according to web survey),” Ural Historical Bulletin. 2021. № 2 (71). P. 80-89. – in Russian.
  28. Perevalova E.V., Kisser T.S. “Taimyr: Ethnoprojects and Leaders,” Ethnography. 2021. № 2 (12). P. 166-193. —in Russian.