- Visit Us Safely
- Opening Hours
- Getting Here
- Admission and Tickets
- Exhibitions
- Virtual 3D Tour
- Kunstkamera Mobile Guide
- History of the Kunstkamera
- The Kunstkamera: all knowledge of the world in one building
- Establishment of the Kunstkamera in 1714
- The Kunstkamera as part of the Academy of Sciences
- The Kunstkamera building
- First collections
- Peter the Great's trips to Europe
- Acquisition of collections in Europe: Frederik Ruysch, Albert Seba, Joseph-Guichard Duverney
- The Gottorp (Great Academic) globe
- Siberian expedition of Daniel Gottlieb Messerschmidt
- The Academic detachment of the second Kamchatka expedition (1733-1743)
- 1747 fire in the Kunstkamera
- Fr.-L. Jeallatscbitsch trip to China with a mission of the Academy of Sciences (1753-1756)
- Siberian collections
- Academy of Sciences' expeditions for geographical and economic exploration of Russia (1768-1774)
- Research in the Pacific
- James Cook's collections
- Early Japanese collections
- Russian circumnavigations of the world and collections of the Kunstkamera
- Kunstkamera superintendents
- Explore Collections Online
- Filming and Images Requests FAQs
Dear visitors!
The comfort and security of museum patrons, staff, and collections are our highest priority. To help reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19, the museum maintains specific visitor requirements and safety measures.
Learn more about visiting us safely
Museum opening hours are Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 to 18:00
(last entry 17:00).
Ticket office: 10:00 to 17:00
The museum is located in the city’s historic center, across the Neva River from the Winter Palace and is only a few minutes’ walk from the Palace Square via the Palace Bridge.
There is no parking at the museum, so we recommend you use public transport to get here. Several bus and trolleybus routes stop near the museum.
Adults: 400 rubbles
Admission is free of charge on the third Thursday of every month from September to April.